New adventures

Hopefully in the upcoming weeks I have a little bit of time to update this blog, because it´s a disgrace how fallen behind I am with our adventures. There were a few!! I don´t even know the proper time line, so will have to think about the order. A few important bits to remember is that Maudette caught fire during one of the long journeys, due to the old, brittel diesel return lines, so this should be a warning for all of you who have OLD, 2006 models to check it, and if you want my (unpaid, unasked) advice… CHANGE THE DAMN THING. This was circumstantial, or at least we try to explain ourselves how the events unfolded, that it happened, but we were extremely lucky and managed to extinguis the fire right at the beginning, with minimal damage. I will write in detail about this.

We could not find the hydraulic leak, so we topped up the liquid, and since March, no loss there. We asume the liquid loss happens when the car stays for longer periods, so will have to investigate that.

Now she is going to be scheduled to a bigger “operation”, from changing the oil pump, to checking the hydraulic leak, to replacing a back bearing and an ABS sensor that failed not so long ago.

Also have to mention the wonderful C6 meeting that we managed to go this year, which was held in Spain, by the Portugal Hydropneumatic club. Really amazing organization, lovely people and a weekend of good time with many C6 in the same place.

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