When is the best time to check the car alarm? Of course at midnight… It was unintentional but it happened. The car was left in front of the shop for the next day pre ITV (annual technical inspection) checkup. Since the shop is about 400 meter from us, at around midnight I wanted to check something in the car´s papers. We walked to the shop with the spare key, not being aware of what´s about to happen. The spare key doesn’t have the remote control, just the key itself. And when I opened the door, the alarm went off… I instinctually closed back in, but the alarm was not going to shut up for a while. Luckily the wife of the mechanic was coming from from somewhere when she noticed us being very confused on how to solve this situation that might wake up the neighbors :)) She than gave us the normal key and we were able to turn off the screaming alarm and than close the door again. Who knew…